Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekends are just too short!

I didn't manage any time for writing last weekend so I will have to play catch up on this Sunday.

Last Saturday was my granddaughter's birthday and Rod and I spent the afternoon and evening with her and her parents.  Miriam opened her gifts when we arrived because our gift was both an object and an event.  I like to give people gifts that will provide a memory although I don't always manage this.  Objects get lost, broken and out grown but memories last forever.  The gifts were swimming suits, the event an afternoon at the pool. Elspeth documented all the water fun with her camera which goes everywhere she goes.  Curtis and I tried the diving boards, low for diving, high for jumping.  Miriam decided she wanted to try so I walked her to the end of the low board and dropped her off and she came up grinning.  I asked if she wanted to go again and she pointed to the high board and said "That one."  I told her no but I'm amazed she wanted to try.  The lifeguard was giving us a look and I'm pretty sure she would have stopped us.  Miriam tried the floating bridge and all the foam floaty things in the pool.  If the pool hadn't closed I think we would still be there.  Miriam had to be shown the empty pool after we got dressed before she would believe us we really had to get out.  We followed this up with dinner at Red Robin.  If you want to please a four year old have them be the center of attention in a restaurant.  When the wait staff came over and began to sing to her she positively beamed.  The ice cream they gave her was appreciated but definitely was secondary in enjoyment.   Lovely day both for activities and company.

Sunday was boring weekend stuff, groceries, yard work, and so on.  I really could use three day weekends so I could have one day for things like my quilt and writing and reading.

Yesterday Rod and I drove to the coast.  Every time we go I wish we could live there although the devastation in Japan causes you a bit of pause.  The predictions are that the coast of Oregon and Washington could experience a similar quake and resultant tsunami.  There are a lot of houses I wouldn't buy or even feel real comfortable staying overnight.  You find yourself looking up hill for escape routes as you drive along.

We took our usual route up to Tillamook where we stopped for coffee and a cheese sample or two.  Oddly enough we found an excellent birthday gift for son-in-law Mark (won't spoil the surprise by saying what it is).  After Tillamook we followed the Three Capes Scenic Loop just because the drive is so pretty.  A stop at Cape Meares turned out to be particularly well timed.  It had been raining off and on all day but just as we got out of the car the sun came out and the ocean took on all of its best colors so I took some dandy pictures.

Of course no trip to the coast is complete without a stop at Pelican Pub for some of their India Pelican Ale and a meal.  Fried Oyster sandwich, spring greens salad with herb vinaigrette a pint of IPA and a lovely view of the ocean satisfied all needs.

Of course after you eat the choice is nap or walk and on the coast walk usually wins.  We climbed the dune at the end of the beach and were treated to some wonderful views that we never knew where there.  Nice rocks and crashing waves, caves and sea birds soaring all made the uphill climb worthwhile.

Sadly it is Sunday and after doing all the have to's there is never enough time for the want to's.  Weekend is almost over and work week starts again.

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