Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday nights

When our kids began to have a social life of their own my husband and I started what we call "Friday Nights".  We both had jobs that required a late Friday night and when we were done it was nice to go out to dinner and shift gears from work week to weekend.  We have been having "Friday Nights' for almost 15 years.  Part of "Fridays" is learning to let work go and enjoy time off to the fullest so sometimes "Fridays" are longer than one evening.  This is going to be about the things we find to do that are entertaining.  We are not rich so mostly what we do is find good things to eat and interesting places to visit, mostly in Oregon but occasionally elsewhere. Even if you never visit the places we do I hope you start your own "Fridays" and maybe even share what you find to balance play against work.


  1. yay "Fridays"! I've been needing something like that. Can I have more than one a week?
