Sunday, March 6, 2011

A quiet weekend

Oddly enough the first week I start this we did not go out for dinner on Friday.  Instead we stayed home and had scrambled eggs with caramelized onions and chicken apple sausage mixed in.  The incentive to cook at home was a loaf of Cinnabon bread we picked up at the Oroweat outlet.  I'm not sure what is is about cinnamon but it just smells like comfort.  Saturday was spent running errands in the scooter and working on craft projects.  I put on another row of water on my quilt, the next step is sand.  Rod is working on putting together a couple of  small, about 5 inches or so, wooden airplanes. One is a triplane and the other a biplane.  Today we went to a movie, Rango.  If you are a movie buff you will get a kick out of it because it references so many other movies.  Think Star Wars but with bats. We went into Salem because that was the only theater playing Rango but usually we head into Silverton for movies.  On Sunday they are only $4 and are usually first run.  They only have one screen so sometimes you have to wait a week or so but it is a pretty decent theater and of course Mac's is across the street.  Finally we had conversations with both our daughters and that is always a pleasure. Sadly enough the weekend is almost over but it has been a good one.

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